Online Meditation Teacher Training Course India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia

50 Hours Online Meditation Teacher Training Course India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Bali Indonesia
Satyam Shivam Sundaram Offer Online Meditation Teacher Training Course – A Certified Online Training Based On Passive Guided Meditation, Active Dynamic Meditation Techniques, Happiness Bliss Mindfulness Meditations, Seven Chakra Healing Therapy and Ancient Group Rituals Meditation Techniques.
Expand your Meditation knowledge with our cost-effective, authentic Meditation Teacher Training… from the warmth of your own home.
Practising meditation has impacted your life? Do you have a desire to share your experience with others but feel that you need more science, knowledge more background and a toolbox of resources?
Our online courses are flexible as per your convenience. You will get all the freedom to complete it on your giving time from anywhere in the world.
Our online yoga courses are multimedia and thoughtfully put together by each teacher to be easily understood by all learning techniques.
Each course is divided up into chapters and short-lessons so that you can even meet your learning around a busy schedule. Our course player keeps a record of your progress, so you know exactly where you are at any time.
Smart Reasons Why You Should Join an Online Meditation Teacher Training
It’s easier to learn from world-class masters.
Learning is becoming more productive.
Get the right content in the proper form.
You can stimulate yourself on your own time.
It’s easier to come back on track.
You can get personalized attention from experts.
Learning online means learning with like-minded people from all over the world.
You can learn quickly from other people on a larger scale.
Online 50 Hours Meditation Teacher Training
- Learn How To Design 1 day or 2 days meditation retreat or seminar based on Passive Meditations, Active Dynamic Meditation Techniques, Heart Healing Tantra Meditations, Happiness Bliss Mindfulness Meditations, Seven Chakra Healing Therapy.
- Date: Wednesday 1st July 2020.
- Date: Saturday 1th August 2020.
- Date: Tuesday 1th September 2020.
- Date:Thursday 1th October 2020.
- Live Group Sessions 20 Hours, Recorded Session of Different Topics 15 Hours on Flexible Time, Art Of Teaching Sessions on Flexible Time, Self Practice Sessions 15 Hours on Flexible time, and Homework Sessions
- Learn how to design and conduct 1-day workshops of Bliss Happiness and Ecstatic Life, based on scientifically proven techniques, and combine them with your own therapy/speciality.
- Learn how to design an unconventional lifestyle, location-based, celebrative retreats.
- Learn How to design a combined workshop with Passive Guided Meditation, Active Dynamic Meditation Techniques, Happiness Bliss Mindfulness Meditations, Seven Chakra Healing Therapy and Ancient Group Rituals Meditation Techniques.
- For More Info 50 Hours Online Meditation Teacher Training
Become an inspiring, trusted and effective teacher or mentor trained to teach scientifically proven, time-tested and Active Passive meditation Techniques, Heart Chakra Healing Meditations, Happiness Bliss Mindfulness Meditations, Seven Chakra Healing Therapy, and Expressive Dance Movements Therapy with Satyam Shivam Sundaram led By Shiva Girish & Dev Om (modern New Age meditation Masters from India)
What Will You Learn During This Online 50 Hours Meditation Teacher Training Course
- Learn How To Design 1 day or 2 days meditation retreat or seminar based on Passive Guided Meditation, Active Dynamic Meditation Techniques, Happiness Bliss Mindfulness Meditations, Seven Chakra Healing Therapy and Ancient Group Rituals Meditation Techniques.
- Learn How to lead sessions to balance the mind to create stillness, stability, and harmony between mind body actions?
- Learn How to understand what are the core desires of the group to be part of meditation workshops.
- Learn how to balance the theory part, Actual practise, the closing time for the session.
- Learn How to Lead session with making your goal, intention, and objective clear what you want to achieve from meditation?
- Develop a deeper level of understanding about meditation, meditative energies, and different meditation techniques.
- Learn How to lead and handle big groups of 30 or 50 people group.
- Learn how to balance the theory part, Actual practise, the closing time for the session.
- Learn How to understand what are the core desires of group to be part of meditation workshops.
- Learn & understand what are common obstacles to meditation and how you can overcome it?
- Learn & Understand the difference between features of what you offer & benefits for students are looking for normally which not spoken directly.
- Learn How to design short 30 minutes taster sessions.
- How to start meditating? How long until I see some results?
- How long should be a meditation session? What’s the ideal session duration?
- How to Release repressed emotions & tensions from to allow prana to flow freely?
- Learn How to lead meditation sessions to How to open the heart chakra of the group.
- Learn to Design & Hold Your Own Meditation Workshops & Sessions | Work with all age groups, Work with corporate / groups and kids
Experience A Deeper Inner State of Meditation | Become Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
Learn to Design & Hold Your Own Meditation Workshops & Sessions | Work with all age groups, | Work with corporate / groups and kids
More information about Satyam Shivam Sundaram
Meditation Training School India Hongkong Singapore Malaysia Australia
Upcoming Training & Online Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Courses & Meditation Sound Healing Therapy Workshops
Join Shiva and many more meditators around the world to find inner peace of mind in the midst of turmoil, and do your part to help our global community find hope, peace, love, Gratitude and optimism. For more info – Online Live Meditation Courses
Self-care – Self Love – Self Acceptance is the new healthcare. Meditation is your prescription.
- For More Info Online Certified Meditation Teacher Training
Online 50 Hours – 100 Hours Certified Meditation Teacher Training Course
Modules Of This Online 50 Hours Meditation Teacher Training Course
- Module No 1 – (5 Hours) – Meditation Sessions & Retreat Opening Short Meditation Technique & Meditation Group Rituals.
- Module No 2 – (5 Hours) – 5 Pranayama Breathing Meditation Techniques.
- Module No 3 – (15 Hours) – 10 Active-Passive & Guided Meditation Techniques.
- Module No 4 – (5 Hours) – 5 Chakra Meditation Techniques & Group Rituals.
- Module No 5 – (5 Hours) – 3 Tantra Meditation Techniques & Group Rituals.
- Module No 6 – (5 Hours) – 5 Happiness Bliss Mindfulness Meditations Techniques & Group Rituals.
- Module No 7 – (5 Hours) – Homework & Workshop Design & Final Questions & Answers.
- Module No 8 – (5 Hours) – Retreats & Workshops Closing Celebration Meditations Techniques & Group Rituals.
Online 100 Hours & 200 Hours Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program At Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation & Sound healing School India – Join the Internationally acclaimed certified Mindfulness – Active- Passive – Chakra therapy Meditation teacher training from your home. Online Meditation Teacher Training
Training Duration 14 Days to complete 50 Hours Training Structure
- Live Group Sessions 20 Hours, Recorded Session of Different Topics 15 Hours on Flexible Time, Art Of Teaching Sessions on Flexible Time, Self Practice Sessions 15 Hours on Flexible time, and Homework Sessions
- In active meditation, the objective of watching the movements helps people to come out of the negative thoughts that have been gathered during their daily activities.
- These negative thoughts will create disturbance in the mind and therefore have to be expelled from the mind. The act of movement helps some to visualize expelling from the body, and therefore the mind.
- Through active mediation, the energy is dissipated and channelized properly. This will allow the natural silence and stillness of mind back, thereby improving wellness.
- Active meditation is helpful for people who find it tough to sit still and meditate. It is ideal for people who learn to increase awareness through movement and action. Exercise can be a form of active meditation, and is certainly one that many people use.
- The movements and physical exercises helps to awaken the energy, release it by relaxing the tensed muscles and then making the mind calm.
- Active meditation allows us to reclaim the joy of simply being alive as we are and to live the present moment, here and now.
About Passive Meditation
Passive meditation is just the opposite of Active one. While the previous techniques are practiced with the help of body movements and actions, passive one is for those who wish to take time to settle physically. In this technique, the mind is made calm by choosing a silent place, sitting calmly by withdrawing our senses from external objects and concentrating on the self. It is introversion where the focus is to see what is inside. This happens only when the mind is calm.
One of the easiest ways of doing passive meditation is to watch the breath. Watching the gap of the breath is also a good technique. Watching the gap between two breaths can give you a good experience of stillness. There are few passive meditation techniques mentioned in this book try all of them see which one you like.
- Active meditation is meant for those who cannot sit and experience the silence inside. Rhythmic motions are used in place of stillness to hone the mind to a sort of white noise of movement, which some people prefer to the silence of stillness.
- The stress collected in the body and mind makes it almost impossible. Getting rid of tensions is essential before invoking the potential of our inner consciousness.
- Passive mode can be reached only by beginning with active mode.
- Awareness created through action brings the mind to a passive state without putting much effort.
- After the active mode, the passive state happens automatically.
- Inner calmness and silence is attained, as well as alertness, and concentration with the power to bring peace within ourselves.
- Many situations that disturb our mind are automatically controlled through our continuous movement.
- With many active meditations, there is no suppression of emotions and thoughts which automatically reduce the anxiety and heal the emotional disturbances.
- The thinking process moves from logical and dimension to an intuitive level. Relationships with friends and family become more meaningful and enriched, as they are extended from a logical plane into a purely emotional one.
- The mind starts gaining self-confidence, acceptance and self-esteem. It increases the clarity of thoughts and sensibility.
- Our real inner being is experienced by learning to relax while being alone, and becoming comfortable with the idea of being ourselves, of being alone, and of knowing who we are.
- Our creativity increases with growth of spirituality, allowing one to transform into who one wishes to be.
- Makes body physically fit by concentrating on a goal or a particular situation.
- Immune system improves based on how much focus is gathered
- Blood and body are oxygenated properly.
- Blood pressure is controlled along with the heart rate, improving the longevity olife.
- Relief from stress and an increase in vitality due to understanding the impermanence of discomfort.
- With proper circulations of energy many emotional blockages are released, when you are less stressed and have no emotional blocks, you seem younger, more carefree and vital.
- Help’s you to increase & organize body energy in a positive way.
- Improves your quality of sleep and allows one to fall asleep at will.
- Sense of responsibility increases, thoughts become critical and mind becomes decisive.
- Mind becomes detached from emotions experienced in the past, allowing you to be abler to make rational judgments.
- Self-communication improves with an understanding on the thought process and control over the thinking.
- Awareness of being in the present, instead of your psyche lingering in the past or on negative emotions.
- Meditation helps to release the unnecessary blocks that stop the natural happiness and joy from sprouting in the consciousness. The only way to truly enjoy life is to become closer with the infinite self.
- Meditation can actually help cure phobias, by processing them rationally from a viewpoint outside your own fear.
- A person who meditates knows the thoughts arising in the mind, but is not controlled by them. For one who does not mediate, thoughts rule their actions, often in ways they do not understand.
- Meditation makes the mind more compassionate. By cultivating unity and love, the mind starts seeing oneness in everything. Ego identification of the mind reduces by creating thoughtfulness and forgiveness.
- Meditation helps one to become stronger internally. Anxiety, fear, worries etc. arising out of emotions gradually cease and your mind is stabilized by gaining freedom from all these distractions. Faith of the Self increases through intellectual thinking.
- Meditation uses visualization to control what emotions you wish you feel, and in turn can be an incredible tool in subverting fear and anger.
- Balancing emotions is basically freedom from all the abnormal behavior arising from the ego. Such abnormal states can be overcome only by practicing meditation regularly. Through the cleaning process of the mind, freedom is gained and thus balancing becomes possible.
- Your thinking process will become more critical and mind gains decisive nature, allowing you to make snap judgments based on all the information you have, rather than guessing at what should be done because you feel rushed.
- Self-communication improves with a good understanding over the thoughts with greater control.
Self-care – Self Love – Self Acceptance is the new healthcare. Meditation is your prescription.
Online Certified Mindfulness Meditation Training – At Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation & Sound healing School India
Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation & Sound Healing School India Offers 200 Hours – 100 Hours Meditation Teacher Training Certification Course In India Hongkong Singapore Malaysia Australia
Satyam Shivam Sundaram Spiritual Transformation Retreats – Chakra Energy Healing And Meditation Teacher Training Main Centre is Located in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand – North Goa, India
About satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation Training School India
At the center, you get:
- Effective, time-tested and scientifically proven meditation techniques.
- Guidance and mentorship by one of the highly recommended and experienced mentors in the field of Yoga and Meditation.
Here Are Few Benefits of Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training Program With Satyam Shivam Sundam Meditation Institute:
- Helps awaken your inner master who could bring you inner peace and rediscover creativity within yourself.
- Helps one find a purpose in life, which is somehow related to seeking and showing others the path to the spiritual journey.
- Help those who willing to help themselves and the others with healing and to live a happy and prosperous life.
- Makes you eligible for a Certified Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Sound and Chakra Therapy Healer Course.
- Opens more opportunities to making a living by transforming yours and others lives through the Meditation and Chakra healing practices.
Online 50 Hours Meditation Teacher Training
- Learn How To Design 1 day or 2 days meditation retreat or seminar based on Passive Meditations, Active Dynamic Meditation Techniques, Heart Healing Tantra Meditations, Happiness Bliss Mindfulness Meditations, Seven Chakra Healing Therapy.
- Date: Wednesday 1st July 2020.
- Date: Saturday 1th August 2020.
- Date: Tuesday 1th September 2020.
- Date:Thursday 1th October 2020.
- Live Group Sessions 20 Hours, Recorded Session of Different Topics 15 Hours on Flexible Time, Art Of Teaching Sessions on Flexible Time, Self Practice Sessions 15 Hours on Flexible time, and Homework Sessions
- Learn how to design and conduct 1-day workshops of Bliss Happiness and Ecstatic Life, based on scientifically proven techniques, and combine them with your own therapy/speciality.
- Learn how to design an unconventional lifestyle, location-based, celebrative retreats.
- Learn How to design a combined workshop with Passive Guided Meditation, Active Dynamic Meditation Techniques, Happiness Bliss Mindfulness Meditations, Seven Chakra Healing Therapy and Ancient Group Rituals Meditation Techniques.
- For More Info 50 Hours Online Meditation Teacher Training
- Blog Link for Last meditation teacher training Blog 1 – Meditation Teacher Training Blog 2
- Educational Videos For Students Who Are Interested To Join upcoming Meditation Trainings –
- Students Testimonials & Reviews Of Past Training
- if you have any questions feel free to message us on WhatsApp at +917888206883 Limited Seat Available – Write us an e-mail to find seat availability –
Samaveda International Sound Healing Academy – Offers 4 Days Certified Ecstatic Dance DJ Training In Goa, India With One the Best Ecstatic Dance Dj From World.
Are you ready to take your DJ skills to the next level and become a master of ecstatic dance music? Our training program is designed for DJs of all levels who want to learn how to create and play music that will inspire movement and connection on the dance floor.
Our instructors are experienced DJs and ecstatic dance facilitators who have years of experience in the industry. They will guide you through the process of learning how to create and play music that will move your audience and help them to connect with themselves, each other, and the music.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your DJing to the next level and become a sought-after ecstatic dance DJ. Sign up for our training program today and start your journey to becoming a master of ecstatic dance music. DJ Ecstatic Dance Facilitator Training India
Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation School With Mandala Tantra School offers Internationally Certified 100 Hours Certified Tantra Teacher Training Course In Goa India
100 Hours Certified Tantra Teacher Training Course In Goa India
Would you like to gain a living through teaching Tantra Life Workshops Seminars while giving the gift of improved health, better relationship, inner peace, and fulfillment in life?
Become an inspiring, trusted and effective teacher or mentor trained to teach scientifically proven, time-tested traditional Chakra Tantra Active Passive meditation Techniques. Mandala Tantra Teacher Training India
Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation School offers certified 100 Hours Meditation Teacher Training certification courses, Ecstatic Life Happiness Meditation Teacher Training, Yoga Meditation Chakra Healing Therapy & Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Healing Retreats In Ubud Bali –Goa Rishikesh, India
Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation School India along with Samaveda International Sound Healing Academy Offers Certified Courses For Tibetan Singing Sound Healing Meditation Teacher Training Certification Course In Goa, Rishikesh India
Course Objective: To understand the core principles of Sound Healing and Meditation, get the experience of practicing Sound Healing Meditations and learn to apply the knowledge to conduct Sound healing sessions and workshops.
Learn how to lead Tibetan Sound Bowls Therapy, Chakra Healing With Tibetan Singing Bowls Group Sound Bath Sessions & sound healing private sessions.
Learn how to design and conduct 1 or 2 days workshops – seminars based on Tibetan Sound Bowls Therapy Sound healing meditations. Tibetan Singing Bowls sound healing course India